Rebecca Budig, also (maybe, better) know as Greenlee Smythe du Pres Lavery Devane, is once again leaving All My Children - for the same reason as the first time she left. She is in love.Maybe a good question to ask is why did Rebecca Budig return to All My Children?

To answer this, I have to put myself in the place of the originator of Greenlee.
OK, here goes - I bring this soap opera role to heights that most roles take decades to achieve. I meet a man who I want to spend the rest of my life with. Being as in love as I am, I without hesitation give up the role that I knew no one else could play. Because, I am Greenlee, right? After a few months of inloveness, I find out that someone else has taken my place in Pine Valley. What?!?

I want my role back, right now! I want it back. So, I make sure Sabine Singh (the beautiful girl who was beginning to make the role her own) is fired, as soon as possible so that I can get back to being me. Greenlee.
After a few days of being me, I realize that, I was me along and if not for my fit of jealousy, I would have stayed at home, Sabine could have kept her job, people would not have been as upset as they were (about Sabine Singh being fired) and All My Children could have went on it's merry way, as it has been doing for the past 30+ years.
But, because I could not stand the thought of someone else playing the role of Greenlee and doing as good a job (or better) than I, My return was without question.
So, I left again for the same reason I left the first time - love.
But, without a doubt, Greenlee will return to Pine Valley, again. There has been a lot of talk about Greenlee lately and they showed a mysterious person a few times.
In my experience with Soaps, whenever there is a mention of a name and a mystery person - it is because that character will soon appear (again).
What do you think?
She's Back - Again!! Jan., 2010