Sunday, April 10, 2011

Is There a Vitamin That Can Make You Feel at Least 50 Percent Happier

There are several scientifically proven ways to uplift your mood. And drugs are not involved. Here are six magic ways to uplift your mood, by at least 50 percent;

  • Writing - When you jot down several different things about yourself that are great, this will automatically uplift your self esteem and your mood.

  • Smile - When you change your facial expression, you also change your heart rate, blood pressure and your skin temperature. These changes send message to your brain about your present mood. The message result in a recipe of released chemicals that raise your mood.

  • Get a Pet - It has been proven over and over that a pet can raise your spirits. The can help you feel important and they can relieve loneliness. It is well known that loneliness can lead to sadness. Pets can alo help to reduce stress levels and raise levels of prolactin and oxytocin in the brain - these chemicals can help to make you feel good.

  • Go Shopping - When a hopper find a great bargain, it produces a feeling that is cloe to euphoric. The euphoric feeling make the brain feel better that kissing someone you love.

  • Get a Hobby - Pursuing a new hobby can build a passion inside of you that cannot be compared to other aspect of your life. The feeling of accomplishment when a project is completed can lift your mood sky high.

  • Be Around Someone Who is Happy - Happiness is contagious. Find someone who is happy and spend time with them.

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